Friday, 17 January 2014

Google Unveils Smart Contact Lens That Lets Diabetics Measure Their Glucose Levels

This isn’t Google Glass in a contact lens, but it may just be Google’s first step in this direction. The company’s Google X lab just teased a smart contact lens on its blog that is meant to help diabetics measure their glucose levels.
The company says it is currently testing prototypes of this contact lens that use a tiny wireless chip and a miniaturized glucose sensor. These chips are embedded in between two soft layers of lens material.
In its announcement, Google notes that scientists have long looked into how certain body fluids can help them track glucose levels. Tears, it turns out, work very well, but given that most people aren’t Hollywood actors and can cry on demand, using tears was never really an option.
According to Google, the sensor can take about one reading per second, and it is working on adding tiny LED lights to the lens to warn users when their glucose levels cross certain thresholds. The sensors are so small that they ”look like bits of glitter.”
Google says it is working with the FDA to turn these prototypes into real products and that it is working with experts to bring this technology to market. These partners, the company says, “will use our technology for a smart contact lens and develop apps that would make the measurements available to the wearer and their doctor.”
It’s worth noting that other companies, including Microsoft, have previously shown similar lenses. Until now, though, it doesn’t look like there are any smart lenses available in the U.S. yet. Given Google’s reach, however, it may just be able to find the right partners to bring this technology to market.
More on::Techcrunch

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Rumored Windows ‘Threshold’ Update Could Recast Microsoft’s Key Platform.

Microsoft mostly kept its head down during CES, but with its Build developer conference on the horizon and several platforms to unify, the company has a busy few months ahead of it.
Recently, both Paul Thurrott and Mary Jo Foley wrote on Microsoft’s future ‘Threshold’ Windows update. Threshold is not what Microsoft will release in 2014. That code, an update to Windows 8.1, will likely land in the first half of this year, along with an update to Windows Phone.
Simply put, we should see Windows Phone 8.1 and an update to Windows 8.1 in April.
But what is further ahead matters more. Threshold, the 2015 update to Windows, will likely be named Windows 9 according to Foley. Thurrott echoes the fact, but goes further, indicating that it will include a rethinking of the Metro-facing elements of the operating system, a change that could include “a windowed mode that works on the desktop.”
Thurrott also mentions that Microsoft is aiming for an April 2015 release date for Threshold. That’s almost an interesting timing. If Microsoft completes and ships Windows Phone 8.1 and the Windows 8.1 update in April, they will be the code that ships on computers for the rest of the year. If Windows 9 ships in April of 2015, Microsoft will be releasing its new code in the first half of the year in an industry that can see hardware sales cycles titled towards the second half of the year.
This would also lead to a very decoulpled Windows and Surface release schedules.
It seems likely that we will be given a taste of the Windows to come at Build. The Windows 8.1 update could help Microsoft staunch yet continuing losses in the size of the greater PC market, but it’s clear that PCs themselves could use a shot in the arm. Thurrott is pessimistic on the current Windows-machine market:
Windows 8 has set back Microsoft, and Windows, by years, and possibly for good. [...] Threshold will target this new world. It could very well be a make or break release.
That almost feels too extreme, but only slightly: If alternative operating systems can prove themselves as PC possibilities, the total size of the PC market won’t be indicative of Microsoft’s own market scale. That’s a reality Microsoft can’t afford.
Foley has a final thought that is worth repeating: “Threshold will include updates to all three Windows OS platforms (Xbox One, Windows and Windows Phone) that will advance them in a way to share even more common elements.” That squares with all the above: Microsoft will continue its process of uniting its larger operating system varietals while at once trying to unwind at least some of the bind that Windows 8.x has caused its users.
We’ll have more in short order, but keep it safe to say that the first half of this year and the next are going to be critical for Microsoft’s most sacred platform.
For more visit::Techcrunch

Web-Based Access To Dropbox Files Is Back For 99% Of Users, But Service Interruption Nears 48 Hours.

Many Dropbox users are still facing a partial outage that has been going on for nearly 48 hours at this point, and Dropbox is still scrambling to restore all services to everyone. The Dropbox site and service went down shortly after 6 PM PT on Friday, January 10, and continues to affect what Dropbox calls “a small number of users.”
Specifically, around 5 percent of users still can’t sync files from the desktop client, and 20 percent are having issues on mobile. A fix is rolling out soon to improve both those numbers, Dropbox says.
Early claims suggested the outage might be the work of hackers, but Dropbox categorically denied the involvement of any external organizations or individuals in the current problems, and the hackers who originally claimed responsibility have since recanted.
According to updates posted to its official tech blog, Dropbox technicians have been making gradual progress on restoring service to affected users, but it’s noting via its Dropbox Support Twitter account that “not everything is working for everybody.” It seems to be reintroducing features gradually, prioritizing basic access to all documents and adding the rest as time permits.
It’s not clear how far-reaching the current outage is, but Dropbox is still very actively responding to user requests for information and updates via its support Twitter.
Dropbox sent out an email to business users on Saturday night, reassuring them that files remain exactly where they left them, despite the lack of access. We’ll keep you updated and let you know when full service is restored.
For more visit::Techcrunch

Friday, 10 January 2014

Newly Launched Marketing Platform Carnival Wants Brands To Stop Treating Mobile Like A Billboard

Just before the holidays, a new mobile marketing platform targeting brands and agencies, Carnival, quietly made its public debut. Based in New York and New Zealand, the company is aspiring to chart a course similar to what Buddy Media did for social on the web, but for mobile campaigns, engagement and retention.
Mobile, of course, is quite a different beast from social, but it’s one that the company’s co-founders have a lengthy experience with.

Shortly after the iPhone debuted, Carnival CEO Guy Horrocks, CTO Cody Bunea and others began creating some of the first applications to ever run on the iPhone – before there was even an iTunes App Store. Through their companyPolar Bear Farm, they had at one time reached 6 million downloads of their apps for jail-broken iPhones when there were only 10 million iPhones. They even drew the attention of Apple, Horrocks notes. At an Apple developer conference just ahead of the announcement of the iTunes App Store, an Apple employee told them that about half his company wanted to shut down Polar Bear Farm, but the other half was running its software.

Over the years, the co-founders also contracted for Tapulous to create Twinkle, one of the first Twitter clients for the iPhone. And later on, after selling their stakes in Polar Bear Farm in late 2008 to start Carnival, they began building apps for brands like Kraft Foods, Gerber, HBO, Dreamworks and others. They also worked on startup’s apps, like Ptch (acquired by Yahoo) and Voxy.

In other words, the pair has been active and invested in mobile for years. And, explains Horrocks, their experience building apps and working with brands allowed them to spot what they believe is an untapped opportunity in mobile today.

carnival 2
“All these [brands] are producing a lot of apps, but they don’t know how to maintain them, and they don’t really focus on the users after they launch them,” he says. “And the other part of the problem is that a lot of these brands have multiple apps…but most of them are very siloed.”

At Carnival, which has now shifted from being an app-building agency to a mobile platform maker, the goal is to aggregate all of a brand’s users in one place, so they can run analytics on that user base, and allow the brand to run various campaigns, targeting users with content through push notifications, in-app messages, contests, and more.

The platform lets brands reach users using more standard content like text, photos, videos and links – which could be delivered in a “News Feed”-like experience within the app or pushed to the end user’s device via a notification. But Carnival supports other, more interesting or interactive content, too, like coupons, sweepstakes, or polls, or even sending users a fake FaceTime phone call. Users can also be geo-targeted (including via geofencing), or targeted based on other metrics like loyalty, engagement, device, or software version, for example.

(The FaceTime call happened to be tested on One Direction fans, 50 percent of whom accepted the opportunity to FaceTime singer Harry Styles when the band arrived in their city during its tour. The call is actually a mockup of FaceTime with a pre-recorded message..
'Superlens' Extends Range of Wireless Power Transfer

Inventor Nikola Tesla imagined the technology to transmit energy through thin air almost a century ago, but experimental attempts at the feat have so far resulted in cumbersome devices that only work over very small distances. But now, Duke University researchers have demonstrated the feasibility of wireless power transfer using low-frequency magnetic fields over distances much larger than the size of the transmitter and receiver. 

The advance comes from a team of researchers in Duke's Pratt School of Engineering, who used metamaterials to create a "superlens" that focuses magnetic fields. The superlens translates the magnetic field emanating from one power coil onto its twin nearly a foot away, inducing an electric current in the receiving coil.
The experiment was the first time such a scheme has successfully sent power safely and efficiently through the air with an efficiency many times greater than what could be achieved with the same setup minus the superlens.
The results, an outcome of a partnership with the Toyota Research Institute of North America, appear online in Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) on Jan. 10.
"For the first time we have demonstrated that the efficiency of magneto-inductive wireless power transfer can be enhanced over distances many times larger than the size of the receiver and transmitter," said Yaroslav Urzhumov, assistant research professor of electrical and computer engineering at Duke University. "This is important because if this technology is to become a part of everyday life, it must conform to the dimensions of today's pocket-sized mobile electronics."
In the experiment, Yaroslav and the joint Duke-Toyota team created a square superlens, which looks like a few dozen giant Rubik's cubes stacked together. Both the exterior and interior walls of the hollow blocks are intricately etched with a spiraling copper wire reminiscent of a microchip. The geometry of the coils and their repetitive nature form a metamaterial that interacts with magnetic fields in such a way that the fields are transmitted and confined into a narrow cone in which the power intensity is much higher.
On one side of the superlens, the researchers placed a small copper coil with an alternating electric current running through it, which creates a magnetic field around the coil. That field, however, drops in intensity and power transfer efficiency extremely quickly, the further away it gets.
"If your electromagnet is one inch in diameter, you get almost no power just three inches away," said Urzhumov. "You only get about 0.1 percent of what's inside the coil." But with the superlens in place, he explained, the magnetic field is focused nearly a foot away with enough strength to induce noticeable electric current in an identically sized receiver coil.
Urzhumov noted that metamaterial-enhanced wireless power demonstrations have been made before at a research laboratory of Mitsubishi Electric, but with one important caveat: the distance the power was transmitted was roughly the same as the diameter of the power coils. In such a setup, the coils would have to be quite large to work over any appreciable distance.
"It's actually easy to increase the power transfer distance by simply increasing the size of the coils," explained Urzhumov. "That quickly becomes impractical, because of space limitations in any realistic scenario. We want to be able to use small-size sources and/or receivers, and that's what the superlens enables us to do."
Another trivial way to increase the power in the wireless receiver is, of course, to simply crank up the power. While this is practical to an extent, at high enough powers the fields would start trying to yank the watch off of your wrist. Despite this limitation, however, Urzhumov said that magnetic fields have distinct advantages over the use of electric fields for wireless power transfer.
"Most materials don't absorb magnetic fields very much, making them much safer than electric fields," he said. "In fact, the FCC approves the use of 3-Tesla magnetic fields for medical imaging, which are absolutely enormous relative to what we might need for powering consumer electronics. The technology is being designed with this increased safety in mind."
Going forward, Urzhumov wants to drastically upgrade the system to make it more suitable for realistic power transfer scenarios, such as charging mobile devices as they move around in a room. He plans to build a dynamically tunable superlens, which can control the direction of its focused power cone.
"The true functionality that consumers want and expect from a useful wireless power system is the ability to charge a device wherever it is -- not simply to charge it without a cable," said Urzhumov. "Previous commercial products like the PowerMat™ have not become a standard solution exactly for that reason; they lock the user to a certain area or region where transmission works, which, in effect, puts invisible strings on the device and hence on the user. It is those strings -- not just the wires -- that we want to get rid of."
If successful, the usable volume of "power hot spots" should be substantially expanded. It may not be easy, however, to maintain the efficiency of the power beam as it gets steered to a high degree. But that is a challenge that Urzhumov and his colleagues look forward to dealing with.

For more visit::

Thursday, 9 January 2014

There are some important  files or document you want to hide from others on your computer. To do that you might be creating folder inside folder to hide such files but in todays tutorial i will change this by teaching you a interesting trick to hide files behind images.To hide a file behind a image  means that if any one opens that image he will see the image, but to see the hidden file we need to open that image in a specific way. Solets get started.

How To Hide File Behind Image ?
In order to do this you should have basic understanding of command line, but if you don't know check out  tutorial given below.
1. Select an image to be used for hiding file behind the image.
2. Now select a file to hide behind the image and make it in .RAR format. With the help of the WinRAR.
3. And most important is that paste both the files on desktop. You may do this anywhere instead of desktop if you have some basic understanding of command line.
4. Now open cmd by going to Start > Accessories > Command Prompt and type following commands in it.
cd desktop

 CD stands for change directory by typing above command you change your directory to desktop. After that type command given below.

 Copy /b imagename.jpg + filename.rar finalimage.jpg
  • Replace imagename.jpg with the name of image you want your file to be hidden behind. Don't forget to add image format (Eg: .jpg,.png,.gif)
  • Replace filename with name of your file you want to hide. It must be in .rar format.
  • Finally Replace finalimage.jpg with whatever name you want your final image with hidden files should be. This is the image where your file will be hidden.
6. Now when you will try to open this newly created image it will open as normal image, but to open you hidden file you need follow steps given below.
How To Access Hidden File ?
To access your hidden file you need to open the newly created image in winrar. Just follow simple steps given below to do that.

    1. Open winrar
    2. Now locate your image and open it or simply drag your image in winrar.
    3. Extract the file and done.

 for more visit::coolhackingtrick
In this tutorial i will teach you to find Ip Address of any website using Command Prompt or in short CMD. Using IP Address you can find location of the website server and do more stuff. I will demostrate this tutorial with Google but you can use this method to find IP Address of any website like twitter, facebook etc. So lets get started.
How to find IP ?
1. Go to Start > Type CMD and press Enter.
2. Now write
 Ping followed by website URL whose IP you want to find.

3. It will take less then a second and come up with the results as shown below.

 for more

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Sometime you want to see clear image of someone on facebook who might not be your friend but his/her privacy setting stop you from doing this. In this tutorial i will teach you to view facebook private  or locked profile picture in large size with very simple trick.
How To View Facebook Locked Profile Picture ?
1. Open the facebook profile of person whose profile picture is locked or is set to private.
2. Right click on the
 profile picture and click on Copy Image Url as shown in image below.

3. Open that image in new tab by  right clicking and selecting Paste (CTRL + V)
4. Now change the value of image size highlighted below which might be
 s160x160 tos720x720 (If its not clear try (s320x320)
5. The image will enlarge in size. This trick does not always work.
For more visit::coolhackingtrick