Wednesday 1 January 2014

1 : Have Patience its a sweet fruit.

According to me this is the main reasons why bloggers leave blogging . All the new people to blogging expects much in the very beginning of their blogging career .Lets take an example you will not get your adsense approved in very beginning of your blog and if you still got it you will surely not earn much from it all that is required is a lot of patience and hard work , build a good network and try to make your readers get lost in your posts.

2 : You Should Update your Blog Regularly.

This is again a very big deal ,if you not update your blog regularly your readers may not visit it again and it will end in losing a precious traffic from your blog. So i really recommend you to update your blog regularly .

3 : You should spread your posts through social networking sites.

Again social networking sites like Facebook , twitter is a infinity source of traffic for your blog,sharing your posts on social network sites will not only increase traffic for your blog but also it will engage more readers to your blog will leads to huge and daily traffic .

4 : SEO Matters a lot 

If you don't know about Seo (Search engine optimization) your blogging is just a waste of your precious time. seo is a technique which allows you to drive traffic from search engines like google , bing , yahoo to your blog and it ends with a huge amount of precious traffic .

5 : Never Ever Copy or Paste from other's Blog

According to me almost every new blogger tries to copy and paste content from others blog to increase the number of posts in his own blog , but that will end in nothing  , you will not get your adsense approved,and if the person of which is noticed about it you can even get your blog banned if that person calls for DMCA.
Few months back when i was also a newbie i also copy and pasted from others blog and my older blog got banned , so i advice all of you not to copy from anywhere , no matter where it is.

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