Wednesday, 26 February 2014

New Gmail "Unsubscribe" option lets you stop receiving promotional emails

google, gmail, unsubscribe
In an attempt to make it easier for users to find the "unsubscribe" link that's usually located at the bottom of promotional emails, Google is beginning to add an unsubscribe button to Gmail that appears in the header of marketers' emails. The search giant announced the rollout at the Messaging, Malware and Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group conference in San Francisco last week.
Email recipients are not required to make any extra effort, as the link will automatically appear at the top of the message, next to the name and email address of the sender.
If a recipient clicks the unsubscribe link, Google will send an automated email to the sender (or the company), requesting to exclude the recipient from future mailings -- but remember, it'd still be a request only. This will minimize the effort, as you don't need to go through marketers’ standard unsubscribe options.
Besides providing users with easy access to an unsubscribe link, the change will also lessen the chances of users reporting legitimate promotional emails as spam when they can't find the option to unsubscribe.
Companies looking to grow their business online might see this move from Google as a business killer. Especially after the company last year added a new tabbed style inbox, making it much less likely that users will even see these promotional emails in the first place.

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